Is this really Aikatsu?
Yes, it is! Thank you mysterious dimensional transversing fog.
Aren’t they hot in their winter uniforms?
What kind of sky is above us today, you ask? The kind where it rains only on my eyes when I’m inside sitting at my computer. Have you ever found a four-leaf clover yourself in the wild? I’ve never done it, but apparently Etoce has seen several in his life.
Several years ago, I wrote a now-prophetic post about how simulcasts were killing fansubs, but expressed optimism given that at the time, at least everything was getting a CR edit. Looking back, you can really see just how much has changed since then, and what I wrote is really showing its age. Unfortunately, the Subpocalypse came to be, and things are only getting worse. With Sentai, Amazon, and Netflix ruining everything, I’m almost nostalgic for the simpler times with just CR and Funi (which have since merged their simulcasts). But just saying that isn’t very convincing, so I’ve compiled a short list of egregious errors and unacceptable practices just from the first half of this season. This is of course by no means comprehensive. Just take it as a sample of what innocent anime fans are wasting money on. I didn’t bother labeling what anime each are from.
Summer clothes are so nice
You could tell pretty easily that they called in the series compositor this episode as a sort of “here we are” review episode. Every character had their own place in the story, as is her specialty, and things not seen since as early as episode 2 of the show came back through references sprinkled throughout. It felt very “complete” or “whole”. And it was the perfect preparation for the very special episodes coming over the next two weeks.
That said, there are a few things that need noting. Like how Lily attributes this week’s quote to a German poet, when in fact she is referencing an American scientist who is referencing a Roman philosopher. Or how Mahiru’s idea of a good teacher is literally the opposite of what a real proper teacher is like. Or how Yume snuck in a certain meme during the middle of the episode. But with that in mind, it was well crafted, and basically was a fun way to have the moral of the summer for the kids.
We’ve moved servers, but due to my incompetence our seedbox and XDCC aren’t up yet. I’ll get to it this week, but for now you shouldn’t notice any terribly different things.
Hair styles and bathingsuits and surprises, oh my!
Three whole treasures in one episode! I couldn’t have made myself happier if I tried.
There will be some server maintenance and moving starting tomorrow, so if the site goes down, don’t be afraid (if you can even see this message).
It was a tough choice, but I had to pick the image with Koharu
Hey, it’s been a while. I guess that second trip across the country and presentation took more out of me than I expected. Still, here’s the most recent episode after a far too long break.
Also, there was a bit of an interesting announcement (confirmation?). Next month, two episodes of Aikatsu Stars will be replaced by a 5th Anniversary event crossover between Aikatsu and Stars! I think these will be in place of the regular episodes, so they’ll come out with the regular sub schedule. Check out the link if you want, or resist if you want to save all the fun until it airs.
Amazingly, my Tanabata wish this year came true
First, thank you so, so much to everyone I met at Anime Expo. All the fans, the cosplayers, the artists, and everyone else was so kind, and I just love meeting other people who feel the same way about Aikatsu. I’ll be back again, so don’t worry if you wanted to meet but missed me.
This episode comes exactly 50 after the last Tanabata one, and was about perfectly timed this year. Perhaps because of that, next week Aikatsu Stars will be on break. The following episode will be in two weeks. Until then, keep on enjoying your summer.
Sunsets make everything better
This was the best episode. That’s all. Maybe I’ll post my thoughts a bit later, but as usual, I don’t like influencing the viewers too much. And I’ll be putting up the banners shortly too.
And also again, this week (!!!) is AX. Super excited to be there and going to the concerts— AIKATSU STARS concert here when?