Me at work
Ever wonder what you need to travel abroad? Then please enjoy this educational episode.
The sepia of clouded memories
Unassuming at first, this episode brings some of the best psychological digging thus far. The emotional conflict arising from the main plotline is driving Aikatsu to new heights, and along with it comes the outdoing of expectations. I had a lot to say in my thoughts this week (link still on the Guide page), but as usual, I want everyone to watch for themselves and form their own opinions. I’ll read what you all think as well.
If you look closely at the new CG, you’ll notice that one part of her is mature now…
Whoa, Chiba Misuzu is finally back to write this great Aine/Wakaba/Hibiki episode! Even with all the embarrassment it teaches an enduring lesson that even adults would do well to remember. And while this week was great, next episode is something I’ve been looking forward to for well over a year… what could it possibly be?
Oh! Whether to choose beauty marks, glasses, or fangs!
At the risk of repeating myself, Hibiki’s character, backstory, personality, and development are all perfect (and no, that’s not a reference). Her passion and love with no outlet, countless hours of convincing her heart of her true feelings, even while alone with no feedback to go by, strikes me on a personal level. And her creativity in making unique scenarios doesn’t hurt either. I want to see more and more of this, but I also don’t want to pain her. But I believe that even after she’s able to resolve it, there will be plenty more Hibiki to come.
My color that can’t be erased
And this week, physics lessons. On top of Mio’s struggling, I really liked everything shown about Hibiki too, really connecting her and Alicia into the web of everyone else’s relationships. There are more parallels and mirrors than I’d expect from an injection of newness, which I really appreciate. Also, this week will probably also be a bit late due to reasons. By the way, if you’re going to Sakuracon be sure to go represent Aikatsu fans to Morihoshi Sumire. She’s there for Neverland and I can’t go, but if you are make sure not to miss out. (Addition:) Katou Youichi will also be at Anime Boston! He’s the writer of all of OGkatsu! And I won’t be going to that either…
Hibiki is a divine mixture of Elza, Juri, and a bit of Kaede for good measure
God, this episode was fire and hot and EXCELLENT! The best, most exciting and hype way of starting off a new season in at least a year. Just when you think it can’t get any better, it does, over and over again. Now quickly! Go and watch!
There was also something requesting an actual TL note the week. If somehow you weren’t aware of it, the story referenced was Amaterasu and the cave of Ama-no-Iwato. The specific person talked about is Ame-no-Uzume, known for her rather… lascivious dance. That explains the clothes being thrown off. Aikatsu: As educational as ever.
Let the bells toll
A wonderful ending to a wonderful new season. As with all endings, this marks the start of a new beginning as well. Do you have people you consider true friends? Do you also think that real fights can only happen between people who care about one another? Let us all consider it as we watch the development of this pure friendship between two girls.
When I die, I want to go to this heaven
An episode with surprisingly real aspects to it. What will become of Love Me Tear? And will we finally learn where their name came from? We’ve reached yet another penultimate episode, yet that doesn’t mean our girls have finished growing quite yet.