Aikatsu! – 63

Humans dressed as a bear, a llama, and a piece of candy

We didn’t translate their names in the release, but I don’t think we needed to…

If we translated character names…

Ichigo = Strawberry Starcastle
Aoi = Hollyhock Mistarrow
Ran = Orchid Purpleblow
Otome = Maiden Nest-on-River
Yurika = Lily Wisterhall
Sakura = Cherrybloom Northroads
Kaede = Maple Firstshoal
Mizuki = Fairmoon Spiritfront

Also, the New Year’s bento they talk about has a Wikipedia page (so maybe we should’ve just had it as osechi).

Episode 63: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 62

Loli twintail Ichigo looking sad because her cake is almost gone

This is what Christmas with insufficient cake looks like.

Christmas! With real Christmas cakes! Like, actual cakes!

(For those of you who don’t know, “Christmas cake” is a term used to describe women over the age of 25 who want to marry, but cannot find a suitor. The logic is that no one wants a woman after her 25th, no matter how pretty she is, much like how no one wants a Christmas cake after the 25th, no matter how pretty it is.)

Episode 62: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 61

There's only a slightly hint of ethnic stereotyping in this episode (pic not related).

There’s only a slightly hint of ethnic stereotyping in this episode (pic not related).

Sora means sky.

We spent way more time than we should have had to picking words for Sora’s sounds.

Seira, Kii, and Sora are Magenta, Yellow, and Cyan. Mm, printer colors.

In order of what I associate with Bohemia:

1) Generic region in central Europe.
2) What people call the Czech Republic when they want to annoy people who insist on calling it Czechia (which is an okay name, really).
3) Roman-Gallic interactions that led to Bohemia getting its name.
4) Rhapsody.
99) Bohemianism.

Episode 61: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 59

Ran x Yurika confirmed.

Ran x Yurika confirmed.

Apparently I’m allergic to the city of New York or something.

Showa is uh, the Showa period. Wasshoi is a sound. And addresses in Japan work off the block you’re on, so 3-chome is an address (chou means block; me is an ordinal indicator). We wrote it 3-chome because that’s what it looks like on official romanized Japanese addresses.

Episode 59: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 58

Vishnu, or something.

Vishnu, or something.

In a.f.k.’s Haruhi season one, the lyric “boooon warp de loop na kono omoi wa” from Hare Hare Yukai was misheard as “yuuwaku de yuuutsu na kono omoi wa”. The misheard one, combined with bacteria, describes, sort of, what caused the delay. Or the not-earliness, if that’d be more accurate. Since it feels like Aikatsu always gets delayed.

And now that I think about it, there has to be an Ame Ame Fuyukai out there somewhere…

Episode 58: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 57


When in doubt, use the starry-eyed picture.

Sorry for the lateness. This time, blame the government and other things. (My fault? How could it be my fault?)

Yurukyara are yurui mascot characters, where yurui means, uh, like, easy-going. They’re… kinda a thing. Ebipon is apparently a Pom-Poko-y raccoon dog thing with ebi (shrimp). Or something.

Episode 57: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 56


Does “lightning” rhyme with “brightening”?

“Koi” means “love” (specifically, the romantic passionate kind, as opposed to the kind you might have for a family member). It’s also a kind of fish.

Episode 56: Torrent