Aikatsu on Parade! – 010

This is how legends are born

This is the most high concentration of powerful idols in the history of Aikatsu. From seeing how adorable Elza is still keeping her desires fresh to actually being able to witness the fruits of Karen’s love, to this scene with Mizuki above, this is like a vortex of Aikatsu from everywhere all centering on the present. Go forth, and have your soul shaken.

Episode 010: Torrent | Magnet

Aikatsu on Parade! – 009

What is Onee-chan plotting, and why does Venus Ark have the best uniforms?

This episode was deep, as deep as the sea, with plot, character motivation, and love for the series. Even as one door is opened, countless more mysteries sprout forth, longing for answers. Sure there was a lot to be excited about simply as a fan, but there was a lot to chew on as an overanalyzer of children’s anime as well. We have only just crossed the start line; here is where the real game begins.

Episode 009: Torrent | Magnet

Aikatsu on Parade! – 008

Ufufu, just a little thing from the past

Ringo is the best Mama. And to be honest, a song this episode is in my top three least liked list from all of Aikatsu, even if I really like the dress. Thank you to that guy who actually gave me a card in real life from her coord a while back: I just got two more pieces of it on my own, so only one more until I have the full thing.

I like the lesson this episode, and it does have some good forward progress and development as well. And just when I thought next week couldn’t get any better, I saw the preview. Oh, and more importantly, they just announced the next Aikatsu on Parade real life concert tour. I’m gonna need to go to those while I have the chance.

Episode 008: Torrent | Magnet

Aikatsu on Parade! – 007

This is what home feels like

I’ve got so much to say, it’s almost better to say nothing at all. My senses took in everything to me, in the rawest, purest way straight from a TV screen in Japan, and I gave it back my hot tears in return.

Yesterday I had a great time at Aikatsu Carnival 8, a doujin event in Kyoto, meeting other fans, buying books, and spreading the overseas love of Aikatsu to the people here. I may have spent too much money, but the memories I got in return have a hundredfold the value. I want to see everyone again next year if I can.

Episode 007: Torrent | Magnet

Aikatsu on Parade! – 006

The eternal radiance of S4 outshines the young idol

Man, this episode has almost more lessons than I can count on one hand, and that’s not a bad thing. There’s responsibility, crimes and punishment, sins and forgiveness, everything you can imagine. And while I want to linger on it a bit longer… next week is the week. The big one. The one everyone’s been waiting for. I might even have to go down and watch it live on TV.

Episode 006: Torrent | Magnet

Aikatsu on Parade! – 005

This year’s both a trick and a treat!

Whoa, a Japanese anime that actually airs a Halloween special despite it being after the day itself, and still makes it feel like the holiday? Believe it! Much like I felt strongly for my memories of Hinaki and Juri last week, this week surprisingly does a wonderful job with Sumire in her part of the episode. And the way Raki is being written into these adventures places her squarely in a nice position of up and coming idol, without making her too strong or too good. But with each passing episode, the mysteries surrounding Onee-chan’s experiment only deepen… What is her true objective?

Episode 005: Torrent | Magnet

Aikatsu on Parade! – 004

Oh no! Maika and Ema are cheating on Sakuya and Kaguya with their own clones!

Well, I can’t say I’m quite back 100%, but I’m here enough for this. Personally there was one other song I was really hoping to hear more, but I’m sure it’ll come just a little bit later. After all, I just need to follow the moon’s guidance to wait and do what I must, and good things will come.

Episode 004: Torrent | Magnet

Aikatsu on Parade! – 003

You have entered my lair…

The best performance is in this episode! And this is a lot more about Raki learning from all the past idols so she can come into her own than simply retreading the same ground for nostalgia’s sake. That ending though… what a surprise. Oh, and the reference during the Mermaid section may not have been the exact same as the Japanese, but it had to be changed because the original one from Urashima Tarou was so obscure that not even most Japanese people know what it is.

Next week’s release will be later than this, as I’m moving to Japan for the next half year and my flight’s over the weekend. I will still do everything in my power to get it out on time though, or my name’s not Akatsukin!

Episode 003: Torrent | Magnet

Aikatsu on Parade! – 002 (Plus 01 4K version)

Wake up, it’s time for Aikatsu!

Idols from another school try to secretly invade? Now where have I heard that storyline before… See what happens this week when two stars come together to become one!

Also, our wonderful encoder tested what the 4K broadcast was like and redid episode 1. The native resolution is 810p, which means that it is the best size it can possibly be. We likely won’t be continuing this going forward, but either way, you can now enjoy the opening of the story in the highest possible quality (outside BDs, probably).

Episode 002: Torrent | Magnet

Episode 001 (4K): Torrent | Magnet

Aikatsu on Parade! – 001

This show is a lucky miracle!

Ai! Katsu! Aikatsu! Watch it right now! It’s amazing! It’ll make you glad you were born!

Raki-chan herself has one interesting catch-phrasing I could explain, which is がんばっちゃお! (“ganbacchao!”). It’s really the ending of this which she uses frequently, which is why she appears to randomly say “ciao” at one point, and probably more in the future. Just accept it and enjoy the little bundle of hope and inspiration.

Episode 001: Torrent | Magnet

P.S. Aikatsu on Parade is a sequel to Aikatsu, Stars, and Friends. For the full experience, watching all the the previous series in their entirety is a requirement.