Gokukoku no Brynhildr – 03

Don't worry. That red you see isn't blood.

Don’t worry. That red you see isn’t blood.

Urgrgh most of my organs are intact but my eyeballs seem to be melting. Baseball was fun though. Invisible Germans were neutral.

The big note-wanting thing this episode is the term 鎮死剤 chinshizai. It’s essentially the word 鎮痛剤 (painkiller/analgesic), except with 死 (death) instead of 痛 (pain). “Deathkiller” didn’t sound particularly pleasing, so we went and deathified analgesic instead. Analgesic is an (without) + algesis (sense of pain), so we called the anti-death medicine “athanatics”, from thanatos (death). Because all things medicine-related are Greek.

I guess we could’ve done something with the word “death” in it, but I couldn’t pass up the chance to use a word like “athanatic”.

Also, the things on their necks are called ハーネスト — “Harnessed”. We call them harnesses, because harness is a noun and harnessed is not.

Episode 03: Torrent

Brynhildr Delay


Due to a multitude of reasons which include invisible Germans and baseball, episode three of Gokukoku no Brynhildr will be delayed.

You can expect it to be done at around 30 hours from now. Maybe 35 hours if our organs melt. In 40 hours, you won’t even be able to tell it was human.

Gokukoku no Brynhildr – 02


There was a serious dearth of good release images this episode.

The “residential paperwork” they’re talking about is some sort of thing you have to fill it when you move somewhere or something.

The “misreading” Neko does is her reading kanji by reading their constituent parts as if they were kana. So 今 becomes ヘ (he) and ラ (ra). 左右 becomes ナエナロ. 会合 becomes ヘニムヘーロ or something. Ignoring the fact that reading like that is silly, it’s doubly excusable because all of those are first-grade kanji.

Personally, I hope they introduce Miss Streaks-Sour soon. She’s like 76% of why I wanted to do this show.

Also, for the like, half a person who’s interested, the name of the book they read from is 肉食之説 (The Theory of Meat Eating — I don’t know if there’s a standard English translation) and if you want to (try to) read it, it’s available for free here.

Episode 02: Torrent

Gokukoku no Brynhildr – 01

Neko from an angle

This… may or may not be that kind of show.

Well, at least I like this show.

The answers Neko gives for the times table questions based on her interpreting the question as words and not numbers.

九九 kuku (times tables) = クク (kuku, the food) -> “I’m just not a fan of how they taste…”
2*2 = ににんが nininga -> momonga (flying squirrel)
8*2 = 蜂に hachi ni (by a bee) -> stung
8*8 = 葉っぱ (leaf) -> green and grassy

Episode 01: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 74


Spoiler: You can’t escape the DreAca characters even in the most Starlight-focused episode of the season.

So I was purposefully translating 中等部 as just “middle school” up until now because we didn’t know, but now…

Episode 74: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 73

Yurika-tan being perfect

yrktn knpk

Aka: Eto was probably too tired to do anything here and is likely at work right now. Just saying the delays should only be for 2 (+1) more weeks, and then Aikatsu’s getting Thursday priority again.

Episode 73: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 71

Too sleepy to find a proper image.

Too sleepy to find a proper image.

Apparently ice cream not having an expiration date is a thing. As in, it’s specifically a thing people say in Japan.

Research shows that ice cream lasts longer than comparable foods when stored at -18C or something, but obviously it doesn’t last forever. There’s also the thinking that since ice cream non-expired-ness has more to do with storage properness than time, it’s wrong to say that it has an expiration “date”.

Episode 71: Torrent

Aikatsu! – 70

Best super-minor character.

Best super-minor character.

Sakura Trick delay doesn’t affect Aikatsu. Well, it does, but not in the delay way.

Cat powder (also known as silver vine, which would make more sense in this episode since it’s not in powder form) is like catnip, but it’s not catnip.

Episode 70: Torrent