Urgrgh most of my organs are intact but my eyeballs seem to be melting. Baseball was fun though. Invisible Germans were neutral.
The big note-wanting thing this episode is the term 鎮死剤 chinshizai. It’s essentially the word 鎮痛剤 (painkiller/analgesic), except with 死 (death) instead of 痛 (pain). “Deathkiller” didn’t sound particularly pleasing, so we went and deathified analgesic instead. Analgesic is an (without) + algesis (sense of pain), so we called the anti-death medicine “athanatics”, from thanatos (death). Because all things medicine-related are Greek.
I guess we could’ve done something with the word “death” in it, but I couldn’t pass up the chance to use a word like “athanatic”.
Also, the things on their necks are called ハーネスト — “Harnessed”. We call them harnesses, because harness is a noun and harnessed is not.
Episode 03: Torrent