Well, I’d say we did a great job waiting until the last possible minute to announce this. We were throwing around a few ideas on which new show to pick up (as we’re still limited to a two show per season schedule), and eventually decided on this manga adaptation by Studio Gokumi, most commonly known for A Channel, Saki Achiga, and NakaImo. It’s called Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge, literally translated as Crime Edge of Cutting and Separating (although what we’ll use in the show is still up in the air). The basic premise is that the main character who loves cutting girls’ hair meets a girl whose hair cannot be cut. Turns out she’s the “Hair Queen”, and Mr. MC must protect her from a group of people who all hold “Killing Goods”, mystical items which cause the user to go insane lest they fulfill their bloodlust. You can watch the incredibly uninformative trailer here. Show airs tomorrow, although it might take us until Thursday for the first episode. Staff distribution will be the same as for OreShura.
Author Archives: Etoce
Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru – 13
Gopchang is, unsurprisingly, a kind of meat.
OreShura was fun. Thanks to furzi for encoding for us a couple times.
And now for a word from the people who worked on this show:
Etoce (among other things, translator):
This was my first time translating an anime, and I thought of it as practice (well, more like the kind of practice Makoto does with Sekai and less like the kind of practice Goku does in his hyperbolic time chamber). Things didn’t go perfectly at the beginning because I didn’t know how to do anything, but, like some analogy I was thinking of but just forgot, it got smoother as we went along. I didn’t expect anyone to actually watch our subs (and frankly, I’m not sure anyone actually is), so it might have turned out well. Also, my roommate is trying to suffocate me with cooking fumes, wtf, can you make a little less smoke when you cook;
Akatsukin (Editor, TS):
How strange for our second project to finish before our first. With the two of us both being primary translators, it was hard to see what kind of quality we could put out, but I’m satisfied with the end result. It really is fun getting experience doing every part of subbing, and I don’t think we’ll be changing our methods any time soon. See you next season! (PS: Pink is best girl)
Yuyu (Encoder):
Ai-chan dai shouri!
Episode 13: Torrent
Aikatsu! – 24
Suddenly, Persona. We’re finally reaching our half-year anniversary of becoming a group, woohoo! Also, don’t forget that starting next week Aikatsu! airs on Thursdays instead of Mondays, so don’t get confused.
Episode 24: Torrent
Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru – 12
Aikatsu! – 23
Ran episode. Not much to say except that it might not go as you may have expected. Next season plans soon.
Episode 23: Torrent
Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru – 11
Heart says pink, brain says silver.
Tsundere: Too many slightly different definitions for me to pick one, lest I trigger possible anger. Google it if you need to.
Tsun: The tsun part of tsundere.
Dere: The dere part of tsundere.
Galge: Dating sim type “game” thing for guys.
Otome game: Like a galge, but for girls.
Route: A storyline corresponding to one love interest.
Flag: A bit flipped when something is tripped.
And when Ai pesters Eita to “sign” their marriage thing, she’s asking him to stamp it with his official stampy thing that Japanese people use to sign things. That’s why she wants to look in his room for it.
Episode 11: Torrent
Aikatsu! – 22
Yes, give me more concerts with the three main girls. Look at all that aura they’re giving off. So, there are a couple of notes for this episode courtesy of Raichi. To start with, I’m pretty sure the pen name doesn’t mean anything, it just sounds cool the pen name is a pun on nightingale, silly. He then makes a pun on “aikatsu” and “katsuai” (to omit, leave out). The pun’s gone, but the joke’s still around. Right, there’s also Aoi’s catchphrase of “odayaka ja nai wa”. This has a bit too many meanings and is a little too context sensitive to translate the same way each time, so you’re best off just training your ear to hear it because it’s going to be different every time. And as a reminder for next time, it just so happens that ageha = swallowtail. Alright then, get to it.
Oh right, sorry for being late. Blame undercooked pork and starcraft.
Episode 22v2: Torrent
Also, if you already grabbed the first version, here’s the updated .ass. It’s not a patch, so just stick it in the same folder as the original file and it should work.
Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru – 10
Happy Miku Day!
Thanks to furzi for encoding for us this week.
A bunch of name-puns this episode. Love Clothes = 爱衣 = Ai. Thousand Japan = 千和 = Chiwa. Summer River = 夏川 = Natsukawa.
And the first parts of each of their last names are seasons.
Episode 10: Torrent
Aikatsu! – 21
Well, it’s time once again for our new every-six-episode event. Can you guess what that is? Anyway, we were going to translate the background song (appearing for the second time outside a concert now) but would rather get you a fast release without cluttering the climactic scene. I’ll think about just writing up a text translation sometime this week, but no promises. If you’re curious, you can listen to the full version here.
Episode 21: Torrent
Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru – 09
I liked this episode.
So uh… “Star Class”. Kindergarten classes are named after… things. Like… fruits. Or astrological body classes. So Star Class is their kindergarten class.
Episode 09: Torrent