Sakura Trick delays

Just so you all know, Sakura Trick will be delayed this week, as I just got all of my wisdom teeth removed at once and am sort of in recovery. Hopefully it’ll only be a day late.

43 thoughts on “Sakura Trick delays

    • If you’re asking if having them removed hurts, it feels sore for a few weeks and you can’t eat anything good. It sucks. I had mine removed last year. Sage for blogging

      • had my lower wisdom teeth removed some years ago (had to be surgically removed). for something like 3weeks, looked like a chipmunk. Here’s to a speedy recovery! :beer:

    • If you’re asking if having them removed hurts, it feels sore for a few weeks and you can’t eat anything good. It sucks. I had mine removed last year. Sage for blogging

      • had my lower wisdom teeth removed some years ago (had to be surgically removed). for something like 3weeks, looked like a chipmunk. Here’s to a speedy recovery! :beer:

  1. Ouch, I remember my wisdom tooth growing was quite painful, and you’ve got them removed, that must be even worse.
    Take it easy man, no need to rush things.

  2. Ouch, I remember my wisdom tooth growing was quite painful, and you’ve got them removed, that must be even worse.
    Take it easy man, no need to rush things.

  3. I had my wisdom teeth removed two years ago. The sedative they gave me wore off slightly and I remember them cutting open my jaw. Fuuuuuuuck that. I’m allergic to acetaminophen too so the dentist before I went wonky was like “Are you ok with getting Oxycontin?” and I said yes. Yes I am. I was Jell-O in my bed for a week and a half

  4. I had my wisdom teeth removed two years ago. The sedative they gave me wore off slightly and I remember them cutting open my jaw. Fuuuuuuuck that. I’m allergic to acetaminophen too so the dentist before I went wonky was like “Are you ok with getting Oxycontin?” and I said yes. Yes I am. I was Jell-O in my bed for a week and a half

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