By now, I’m sure you’re aware that we’ve been using the same small rotation of banners for the last several years, since Etoce and I are too lazy busy to make more ourselves. In that time, we’ve done several new series, and our old ones have aged and matured. And so, we want for you creative people out there to make some for us. This isn’t exactly a contest, as I’m planning to accept any and all good submissions into the rotation. The only requirements are that the character (female, please) is from a series we have subbed, it’s a well done crop, and the image is aesthetic and high quality. Screenshots or fanart are both okay, but fanart should look nice. It should look similar to the banners we already have in terms of location and size of the character. I think that’s about it, so view and download the above image and have at it (be sure to keep it the same size 1000 x 248)! There’s not really a deadline, and you don’t need to “claim” what you want to do either—duplicates are fine.
Characters we absolutely need: Akari, Yume, Koharu
Series we’ve done: Aikatsu, Aikatsu Stars, Ao Haru Ride, Gokukoku no Brynhildr, Charlotte, Crime Edge, Kin’iro Mosaic and Hello!, Kyoukai no Kanata, OreShura, and Sakura Trick.
Hi I made a thing, do i post it here?
Here you go my guy, hopefully i didn’t mess up the resolution or the proportions.
I don’t know where to send the banner i made so i’ll just leave it here.
That’s nice but a little bit different than what we have right now. I’m willing to accept it, but I’d prefer them to be in the same style as we have: One girl at a time.
These are nice, but I kind of want to see Akari a little bit lower to show her hat more. Then again, I like the balance that the blue part of her dress adds to it, and the size is just right. Decisions…
Just please keep the current Ichigo one in the rotation, I love it too much.
We’re only adding, not removing.
It’s more like random rotations but some more aren’t that bad
It gradually gets out of hand.
You maniac.
By the way, I’ll add all of these later in a few days.
I like Akari’s the best… but the two below her are damn clever too. ^_^
I had a bunch of things I did a background removal on for stickers, so I threw a few together for you.
I made some more, I hope you could use at least one of them
From the top, I like 3, 5, and 7.
I have been adding more to the set. I hope they will use some of it
Wew, this was pretty fun. Been a while since I’ve edited something, too. c:
Also, this.
It’s not very original but hey I did it and I forgot to submit it so use it or not; no big deal.
I want just to say thanks for your works on Aikatsu~
Some banners i made:
Ao Haru Ride:
Ao Haru Ride 2:
Sakura Trick:
I just posted a scan of a page. I think the Akari and Yuzu in the scans are excellent candidates for the banner. Someone just needs to crop them.
Yuzu in a Starlight Academy uniform?
I’m sadly not very good at this kind of thing, but I did my best to create a bunch of Koharu banners!
Guess I was too late
They’re in, just keep refreshing.
Not enough kin-iro!
here, pick the one you like best:,nyPZ50A2XV/71L2BD4lLakxjwQZ.png,GM417YDfqC/Gh3tA5euHHDaLxWg.png
biggest one isn’t really meant serious.
Keep up the good work!
Added. You’ll have to refresh to see which one.
woah, looks great on the website!
i had to refresh about 250 times, sorry if that caused much traffic on your server.