12 thoughts on “Aikatsu Stars! – 085

  1. Shock… kuma shock!

    I guess that counts as a new song, as far as performances go. I’m starting to worry that the lack of music is a sign of impending doom.

    • Not sure if it means anything definitively, but in late April next year there are already some new Stars binders/goods slated for release according to Amazon. If goods are coming out Post-march, it seems likely? another season will start in April.

      But yeah, the amount of songs being made has dropped quite a bit.

    • I don’t think cancellation is something to worry about just yet. If anything, they’ll just reboot the series again, but there’s no real signs of that happening any time soon. We have at least until episode 100ish in April before the new Japanese school year starts, which brings Spring anime with it—that’s when Aikatsu tends to switch over to other characters, seasons, etc.

      As for the reason behind the music slowing down… onetrap/agehasprings took over for MONACA at the beginning of Aikatsu Stars, and they have fewer composers allocated to this project, whereas MONACA went all-out. MONACA is currently super busy (hell, they just won a Game Award for Best Soundtrack) and are only contributing songs every so often, like they did with the current and previous ED. Okabe Keiichi of MONACA also just released a song for Photokatsu, whereas Photokatsu usually commissions freelance musicians.

      On a thematic level, I think it’s completely fine; each character has their own song (some of them having multiple), and the number of tracks we currently have is likely proportional to the amount we had at this point in Aikatsu! Season 2 anyway.

    • Frankly as long as it’s not PriPara levels of no new songs I think it’s fine. Also Photokatsu is constantly getting new songs. There’s no need to worry.

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