Aikatsu! – 128 Posted on April 13, 2015 by Etoce Rin-chan now! Rin-chan now! Rin-chan Rin-chan Rin-ch— I was really tempted to use a Sumire picture but since it’s Rin-chan’s intro episode it can’t really be helped. Episode 128: Torrent | Magnet
I guess you’re passionate subbing activies, Subkatsu, were getting a little too intense. Thanks for the episode! Reply ↓
Just curious… but how many anime series are you doing per week right now? I know of two, Aikatsu and Hello Kiniro Mosaic. Reply ↓
I guess you’re passionate subbing activies, Subkatsu, were getting a little too intense. Thanks for the episode!
I really like the way you guys did the audition song.
Rin is much more interesting then the Gen.Oozaras. xD
The season 3 BD raws are out, are you going to release the BD episodes with subs?
Thanks again!
Episode 129 soon, please?
Episode 129 please its been 6 days.
Just curious… but how many anime series are you doing per week right now? I know of two, Aikatsu and Hello Kiniro Mosaic.