We’re using HS video for this one (because I’m bad at encoder poking), so it’s censored (and no, we don’t have plans to release it uncensored, mostly because of my encoder-poking skills).
I don’t remember if there was anything to talk about, but that’s not surprising, since I can’t remember anything at all right now. Though I guess there was an unnecessarily long discussion about whether Kazumi’s last name should be Schlieren-Sauer or Schlierenzauer.
Episode 04: Torrent
waiting for AT-X then, muxed with this subs. anyway thanks for the release
I’ll be doing the same. Luckily, muxing is really easy.
What is there to censor?
gore and boobs, or so i have heard
Same things they censor in everything. Nudity and gore. The lower halves of naked women, breasts, and gore were all censored. Annoying, but the episode was still good. I’d rather see it uncensored, though, so (assuming AT-X is uncensored), I’ll wait for Fridays in the future.
What is there to censor?
gore and boobs, or so i have heard
Same things they censor in everything. Nudity and gore. The lower halves of naked women, breasts, and gore were all censored. Annoying, but the episode was still good. I’d rather see it uncensored, though, so (assuming AT-X is uncensored), I’ll wait for Fridays in the future.
Oh wow. Really. They censor the melting but not the dismemberment? Just wow
Oh wow. Really. They censor the melting but not the dismemberment? Just wow
Guess this will end in filler I have been thinking about it but Valkyria appears on the opening but on the manga her arc only starts around the end of chapter 58 and up to chapter 99 it’s still her arc and is still not finished but her appearance on the opening mean they’ll only show the important girls than skip straight to Valkyria’s arc witch will end in filler since her arc is not even finished yet on the manga.
Guess this will end in filler I have been thinking about it but Valkyria appears on the opening but on the manga her arc only starts around the end of chapter 58 and up to chapter 99 it’s still her arc and is still not finished but her appearance on the opening mean they’ll only show the important girls than skip straight to Valkyria’s arc witch will end in filler since her arc is not even finished yet on the manga.
there is a mistake timing on line 21:39, the astronomy club registration form. It was late a few frame. hope u fix it.
N btw, thanks for the episode
there is a mistake timing on line 21:39, the astronomy club registration form. It was late a few frame. hope u fix it.
N btw, thanks for the episode
As an English speaker, the “Harnessed” pun was the second-worst thing that’s ever happened to me.
(The worst was the exceedingly erroneous etymology of “Bartender.”)
Admittedly, that pun works much better if you don’t know English.
As stated previously, in Japanese it was ハーネスト. When romanized, this of course becomes Haanesuto. Very frequently when an English word moves to Japanese, ‘r’s disappear (possibly changing the vowel before it into an a). The word quite easily reads as “Her Nest” (“Haa” is about as close to “her” as Japanese can get and “Nesuto” is as close to “nest” as you can get).
I really didn’t think the pun was too terrible. Kind of silly, especially given that “harnessed” isn’t a noun, but it is easily forgiven.
Thanks Mezashite!
Now I don’t have to die in a pool of my own blood~
Thanks Mezashite!
Now I don’t have to die in a pool of my own blood~
Wow, thanks for the amazing sub.
I never bothered with specific fan subs, but there is a definite plus to using these as apposed to HS. Thanks! Looking forward to next week!
Wow, thanks for the amazing sub.
I never bothered with specific fan subs, but there is a definite plus to using these as apposed to HS. Thanks! Looking forward to next week!
ATX is also censored, good thing you didnt wait.
ATX is also censored, good thing you didnt wait.