Warning: This image contains dangerous levels of OTP
This contest was clearly designed to push pairs of girls to the dark side. It even influenced innocent younger girls who watched it. Anyway, in the middle there are all these events which I didn’t want to typeset, so I’ll list them here: Idol Rock Awards, Self-produce Dance Vocal Audition, Finding Rookie Idols! Audition, Cinderella Stage Audition, Dancing Star Audition, World’s Greatest Sweets Idol Selection. There was also some interesting info revealed about the endgame of this season; let’s see how it turns out.
The magic of units in full force.
11:08 – I’m where am I now
Some of the background characters from one of the earlier episodes (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFMWkFIWAAAaC-s.jpg:large) popped up again in this episode looking slightly older, and the more we see them, the even more certain I am that they’re the Stars version of Akari/Sumire/Hinaki.