I can’t post 95% of my screenshots because I want you to enjoy it for yourself
What could I possibly say? Everything was for this moment. There were some very strong vibes from a certain line Mizuki once said (more on that in my usual weekly thoughts), and I felt that this episode reached levels just as high. This performance shook my core, and I hope I was able to do it justice.
By the way, you may have seen the Important Announcement video released yesterday (if not, you can watch it at this link). I may sub it real quick for posterity, but not today. I’ve been recovering from a cold all week and I’m still not quite there yet. And before anyone asks (and I know people still will), the answer is yes, we are.
Thank you for all the time and effort you put into Aikatsu ♥
Finally! I’m so happy they’re together again. This whole episode was super touching and it’s been a really refreshing ride not having all the tension rest on cups.
New show looks cute too!
I’m so hyped for Aikatsu on Parade~
And thank you for every new Episode each week. And in the end, get well soon^^
This episode almost made me cry…oh my god…
Great as always, thanks for the translation, i hope you get well soon.
And really hyped here for the next season.
I’m so hyped for Aikatsu on Parade.
I’m not sure how that whole premise is gonna go over…
But this means I can see Otome again! And possibly Nina?!
My daughters… (Only their ages stop them from being waifu tier. This girl is too old to say that and not have it be creepy.)
As always, thanks for your work and I look forward to another fulfilling year of Aikatsu once Friends is over.
I was thinking about next week, and SakuKagu’s theme could be one of independence? We have seen, in this season, a move toward idols becoming producers – which might be a metaphor for leaving the nest or whatever. It’d be about time the twins went down that path too.
As for that preview, I’ll leave my thoughts for later. It’s starting earlier than I expected though.
Quite the bombshell of an announcement! I forgot what I was going to say about this episode other than loving the performance…
Finally! I’m so happy for the girls, their journey has been truly beautiful and touching. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for them. 🙂