Cards are friends, fans are friends! Aim to make a million friends!
It’s happening! That art! That music! Those characters, voices, animation, story, family, songs, CG, direction! Every time I rewatched part of this episode, even if only a few seconds, I fell more in love with it. The only advice I can offer is the exact same thing I said two years ago: have no expectations, give it a try, wait a while, then watch it again. I can guarantee that with time, you’ll feel it nestle comfortably inside your heart, right next to Aikatsu and Stars. After all, the more friends the merrier.
Thank you!!! I love forward to a new journey with all of you!!!!
I also love that the exclamation point dot is made up of Aine’s bow and Mio’s stars
Now let’s get on with this for the next two years, shall we?
Actually, it may be one and a half, since we are drawing to the close of Heisei.
maybe it’s just my video program but the song subtitles were really weird this time. I had the same line of lyrics like thrice on screen basically obscuring the whole picture oO
Aside from that it was really cute and funny. It might be just the color scheme bit I got real Aoi vibes from Mio XD
okay update. somehow it didn’t show the effects… but now it’s working. sorry for that mess ^^;
>love me tear
>me tear
you’re cute
I was already fully ready to fall in love with a new cast, and this first did not disappoint! I like that they have finally changed up the dress equip section. Not sure how I feel about the music yet, but that’s how it was for me with Aikatsu and Stars as well. The first few songs don’t really grow on me till I’ve had a chance to listen to the full versions a few times. Seriously, most of the songs from the first half of Aikatsu season 1 I had seriously disliked. It took making an Aikatsu playlist and then basically playing it nearly every day on the way to class before they finally started to grow on me.
ahhhhhhh this was so cute!! it’s really refreshing to start a new journey and this one has such intense vibes of positivity. looking forward to these girls’ journey!
I like it.
Now we have three out of four protagonists whose families run cafes.
And… there’s a PENGUIN! (Named after a form of pasta too. 🙂 )
It begins anew. Once again, Aikatsu will accompany me during my hardest work days.
For now, I want to see more of the two side girls.
Thanks for the episode! I am really happy that 6 years and this fansub still making subs for the Aikatsu Franchise.
So new journey begins. Also, it’s nice that this time around they didn’t start the first episode with the natural born idol thingy like they did with both Ichigo and Yume and I’m really liking it. From this first episode I’m guessing the message they will try to pass this season is about true friendship with all that about they pulling an Friends Appeal on their first concert together because they were in sync with each other.
That changing room scene though, they really went overboard with it this time around to the point it felt more like a Precure transformation. It was really cool but having a changing room scene this long can get really repetitive specially on a long running series like this ones, but as a big magical girl fan I doubt I will get bored of a changing room like this. XD
Anyway thanks for the subs, and have a good week.
I doubt they will leave the changing room like this. That also usually is the case with Precure. In the start the transformations are quite detailed, but along the way they get shortened, and you get splitscreens for multiple characters. At this first episode we saw the full scene of both mains weaved through each other, but as we can expect them to change together more in the future I expect we get a dual version soon, cutting the time for them getting on stage in half.
The first time I saw the episode I noticed the key animation used for the characters inserting their cards is identical, so the splitscreen thing is probably gonna be the case. I already made a mockup of this when it first aired: https://twitter.com/maxdotine/status/981896433245835264
Well a new aikatsu again, lets hope for it be good as the antecessors.