Aikatsu! – 07

This is how we feel when you make lame puns

And onto the seventh episode, an Aoi-centric one.  And on top of that, have some behind-the-scenes info (or you can just skip to the links if you’d like).  In this episode, a Twitter look-alike appears, called Kirakiratter (shining-twitter).  Were we a more liberal group, that would’ve immediately turned into the near-perfect localization “Glitter”.  Of course, then we would’ve had to figure out something better than “gleets” for the posts, but no matter.  Then there’s the pun at 12:23, “アイカツ カイカツ オイガツオ” (Aikatsu Kaikatsu Oigatsuo), which is literally “Aikatsu, Cheerfulness, Some Skipjack Tuna Dish That Involves Sauce” (which makes even less sense that what I thought the last part originally was, which was “Guts”).  Of course, that’s not a pun, so we had to change it around a bit.  Johnny-sensei also has a nice pun later on which is much easier to translate.  Either way, enjoy the episode, and sorry for the delay.

Episode 07: Torrent | DDL

5 thoughts on “Aikatsu! – 07

  1. From last week’s preview and maybe partly from your translations, I thought this episode would be about proper blogs.


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