Welcome to Mezashite, where fansubs are made not with quality, but with love. Here are some of our members.
Akatsukin | Everything (except encoding) |
Etoce | Also everything (except encoding) |
Encoding (ded) | |
joletb | Typesetting, Encoding |
vinylfreak89 | Encoding |
Chhotu_uttam | Typesetting(?) |
A note on our translating policy: we assume that our viewers have a basic understanding of Japanese culture, including honorifics and certain Japanese holidays. Anything that we believe is not common knowledge will be included in the new episode release posts, and we will try our best to not include translator notes in the actual releases.
I want to join
We’re not planning on any recruiting right now, but if you’d like to talk anyway then stop by the irc. We’re usually around in the afternoon and night.
Please translate Kokoro Connect ep 06 new scenes. I see on http://hoshizorafansub.com you are translate this – if you can get a script?
is there a recruitment staff?
i want to join at mezashite.
although I am still learning in subbing. ^^
^^^ Great motto guys! <3 your work
Kiniro Mosaic is my favorite anime to date! Cutest anime I ever seen. Diabetes every week!
Despite being a subber myself, watching quality subs does indeed make an anime feel so much better.
Keep up the good work
How do you encode your releases?
I suggest you go into an irc channel somewhere like ours at #mezashite, or #evetaku, #asenshi, or basically any active subbing group’s place. Hopefully someone will help you, since I can’t and it’s not really something to discuss on a blog.
Ah, sorry. Now I see how unclear this question is. I’m not asking about the process. Just what do Mezashite encode to? For example, [1280×720 Hi10P AAC]. What format?
this website translate anime shoujo, or all the types of animes?
Hi Akatsukin!
I failed at IRC and my messages probably didn’t get through, but I want to know if you’re interested in helping me out with a ‘*dere’ pamphlet thing I am planning on making. I really like your take on tsundere and that term you came up with, neo-tsundere. Please email me if you’re interested!
I really do love your translation policy, those “Mister and Missis” instead of -sama and -san, for example, annoying me so much…
Thank you, guys, keep up good work! May God bless your life.
Will you sub Pripara?
I know that you guys are very reliable and good quality subbers. The only group that is subbing Pripara is Naisho, and they are quitting for Season 2.
Please consider it!
That would be good, I love PriPara!
OMG yes!! If Mezashite would pick up Pripara I would be sooooo happy xD
would be awesome – they’re much better group than Naisho!
Yes! Pripara! Sub Pripara please! I’m so sad by the lack of subs~
Actually, Doki started sub Pripara, and they rllease it pretty fast after episode premiere
Actually, there hasn’t been a PriPara release since ep 58. I would love to see a group pick this up for the episodes and not just the occasional special/”movie”
TBH mezashite is just a 2-man group + encoder. We usually do a side project when we’ve free time.
Also picking up a show midway has it’s own share of problems.
If there is a TL who may be willing to do it, we may be able to help them(and that’s a big MAY because I know the others are not free at all).
hi there, ummm i was wondering if its possible to talk to an admin about the possible subbing of another series alongside aikatsu?
Since Aikatsu comes out on Thursdays, and subs usually aren’t released until Saturdays or Sundays it would seem the Mezashite staff is busy and finds it hard enough just to release Aikatsu. I don’t picture them subbing anything else. Not to say I wouldn’t enjoy it if they subbed other things (in addition to Aiktasu). (Seem like a few people have been pushing for Pripara, and I’m guessing that is what you’re trying to push too based on your name). I just can’t picture them having the time to take on something like that at this time.
Yeah. They’re not doing PriPara. They’re too busy.
if you look on the irc chat it says that they won’t do pripara and to stop asking.
I hope they sub PriPara too (I’m not suggesting them to sub it just hoping
).. btw I think Naisho already dropped PriPara?
Hi Mezashite, so I have a request, can you guys sub this anime called PriPara/PuriPara, it’s an idol anime, and since you sub aikatsu, I guessed you could sub PriPara as well. So basically, this sub group called Naisho was originally subbing all the eps of the anime, but now they don’t seem to upload any eps with subs now. There are 38 eps in this anime, and it’s in ep 35 right now. Naisho dropped PriPara in episode 31. There’s also a second season of this anime coming out on April 4, 2015. Hope you accept this request. Thanks.
I second that request, Pripara is really awesome anime, i would also compare it to Love Live, since seiyuu of main characters are also real life idol group called I☆Ris
Do you still guys need more staff?
Thanks for subbing aikatsu. Keep up the awesome work! ;3
They aren’t doing PriPara. If you go into their IRC chat, it states they aren’t going to do it, so stop asking. Same thing goes for the Aikatsu movie.
I heard tchem not doing Pripara (And two groups picked it up since then
) but they won’t do movie? That’s sad 
no forgive me they are doing the movie. i mean for people to stop asking if they were going to do the movie.
the last time someone asked about that was before they confirmed they won’t do it an that was 2 months ago
And I’m sure we got a confirmation that they will do Aikatsu! movie as soon as it’s out
and people didn’t ask about the movie anywhere for the last year or so ever since we got confirmation they’ll do it.
will you guys do te aikatsu music awards?
I have a funny old series that no one else has subbed and I seed the raw torrent for it. This seemed right up your guys alley it’s called mama is a fourth grader or Mama wa Shōgaku Yonensei. Please help me sub this I really liked the manga and the anime looks great.
Would you guys ever think of subbing the full version of Aikatsu songs?
To all the Mezashite members…
Thank you so much for your time and paitence subbing and releasing all these awesome anime series for us.
hi can you tell me how to donload aikatsu from 130 to 178?
Or check BakaBT or AB.
thanks dude you save me
BakaBT has closed registration and gone completely private and inaccessible for those without account…
I really appreciate the work you guys do. In season 2 however the last 10 episodes are left unsubbed 41 – 51
Or by series count 79 – 89.
I would be really really grateful if this could be translated.
False, Carlos. Get a proper batch.
Im just curious. Can you send me a link for the proper batch, I’ve checked several websites. Kissanime doesnt even have 79 through 89 listed and gogoanime has 79 through 89 as raw. Because im super addicted and i love it. But I’ve also checked several other websites and no dice.
If you use Windows, first get this http://cccp-project.net/
Then free up 100 gb on your harddrive and get this (also available from BakaBT and AB): https://nyaa.si/view/853027
In other words, download instead of streaming.
I have only an android phone but i already have a great idea then. I appreciate it very much.
Well i dont have a vpn and its running a torrent so i think my isp would see it.
Usually gogoanime has been pretty spot on for me. And kissanime is hit or miss every now and then. But dont get me wrong ive been very grateful for the work you guys do.
I have a personal request for you. I sent an email to “Bandai Visual” yesterday, requesting that they include English subtitles on to one copy of each of the following:
Aikatsu! 1st Season BD BOX
Aikatsu! 2nd Season BD BOX
Aikatsu! The Movie (Deluxe Edition) BD
I would very much like to show my support for “Aikastsu!” by purchasing all of the above; plus I am quite the avid collector.
If they’re unable to meet my request, would you guys at Mezashite, consider encoding your English subtitles on to a copy of each of the Blu-ray Discs.
Many thanks
If I’m correct, the first two seasons of Aikatsu Blurays should have been done by CoalGirls with our subs. As for all the movies, we encoded them ourselves, so you should definitely use the ones with our label on them. They should be available here and there, at the very least on BakaBT or something. If you really can’t find them after searching around, ask again and I’ll help you out.
Thank you for your reply.
Sorry, what I’m looking for isn’t a torrent file.
I’d like to purchase the physical copies of the titles I listed above, with your subtitles encoded on to the discs.
If you were to obtain said releases, and encode your subtitles on to them, I’d like to buy them off of you.
Hello, I would like to know about your contact information, I would like to talk about a topic about one of their series^^
My email is aikatsukin (at) gmail, or find me on irc.
Hello, I was wondering if you or someone you know (perhaps another group you’re in contact with) could continue subbing an 80s series called “The Kabocha Wine”. There are currently 7 subbed episodes, but the project has long been dropped by another group since 2010. It looks like a great series. Thank you for your consideration.
I’ve been watching you guys’ fansub since original Aikatsu. You are all awesome and do an amazing job.Hopefully this season won’t be the last even if Data Cardass Aikatsu is no longer running.
I’ve been watching Aikatsu since it’s original release (I was 11 at the time), sticking with you guys until half-way through s3 where I had to drop anime-watching because I started to have a real life. This past weekend I stumbled upon the promo for On Parade on youtube (now with an N3 level of understanding Japanese!) and I immediately knew that I had to scavenge the web to watch the show, I couldn’t believe that you would stick with subbing a silly kids’ show for, what, six years? Thank you so much for doing just that, you made my day brighter, not to mention that you made me form a love for idol culture and Japanese all those years ago. Once again, thank you, and I hope our trans-dimensional idol activities, Aikatsu, will continue onwards!
Hello do you think you can work on
Tamagotchi! Yume Kira Dream
Tamagotchi! Miracle Friends
and GO-GO Tamagotchi!?
Because all the tamagotchi anime videos came without English subs please?